Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's NOT okay.

Dear The Older Generation,
Just because I am an "adult" now that doesn't mean that it is okay to let your guard down and use cuss words in our conversations. Those words are still inappropriate and it doesn't prove your point anymore than using any other word. It's NOT okay or appropriate at any time. You teach your children to not use them, so don't just talk the talk, but actually walk the walk.

Dear The Younger Generation,
Learn some manners and respect your elders! Using cuss words in any circumstances does not make you look tough or sound cool. It actually makes you look uneducated because you don't know how to insult someone without calling them something common and degrading. It also makes you sound stupid because you are just repeating yourself and you're not original. Also quit acting like you're the hottest things out there, because seriously, you.just.look.dumb.

Sincerly, Alaire

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