Friday, April 1, 2011


Gratitude 3/26-

I am grateful to be able to serve others.

So this month I've had an AWESOME opportunity to be able to serve my fellow beings.
I went to a Service Project helping with the bike path dedication on the 19th, Baptisms for the dead on the 25th, a Stake Service Project helping the elderly on the 26th, aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd cutting 13 inches of my hair and donating 12 to Locks of Love. That's alot of service! Haha

Anyway, I LOVEEE serving other people. Which is one of the primary reasons I want to become a teacher. But seriously, when I'm serving someone else, I forget myself and serve THEM. I love serving others. "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." -Mosiah 2:17 So not only are you helping them, you're helping God, AND
YOURSELF! Definitely a win-win situation

So I am grateful that I can serve others.

1 comment:

  1. YOU GO GIRL!!! You are freaking AWESOME, Alaire! :) And your new haircut is super cute, too!
